Caffeine: Children

Department of Health and Social Care written question – answered am ar 2 Awst 2024.

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Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government what is the timeline for banning the sale of high caffeine energy drinks to children under 16.

Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government what consideration they have given to the lack of verifiable identification such as driving licences for 16-year-olds with regards to the introduction of a ban on the sale of high caffeine energy drinks to children under 16.

Photo of Baroness Merron Baroness Merron The Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care

As set out in the King’s Speech, we plan to bring forward the necessary secondary legislation to deliver on our commitment to end the sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to under 16-year-olds in the first parliamentary session. We are developing plans which will take into account enforcement and other issues, and will set these out in a consultation in due course.

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