Department for Transport: Cost Effectiveness

Department for Transport written question – answered am ar 5 Awst 2024.

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Photo of Helen Whately Helen Whately Shadow Secretary of State for Transport

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether she plans to (a) implement and (b) cancel efficiency savings budgeted for by the previous Government for (i) her Department and (ii) departmental arm's length bodies; and what plans she has for further such efficiency savings.

Photo of Mike Kane Mike Kane Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)

The Chancellor has recently set out plans for departmental efficiencies such as taking actions to stop all non-essential government consultancy spend in 2024-25 and halve government spending on consultancy in future years, reducing communications and marketing budgets and continuing to dispose of surplus public sector estates. Future year efficiencies will be set during the upcoming Spending Review. Further information can be could here: Fixing the foundations – Public spending audit 2024-25 (

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