Department for Transport: Public Expenditure

Department for Transport written question – answered am ar 5 Awst 2024.

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Photo of Helen Whately Helen Whately Shadow Secretary of State for Transport

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will list the underspends within (a) her Department and (b) each of its arms length bodies in (i) this financial year and (ii) across the Spending Review period.

Photo of Mike Kane Mike Kane Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)

In each financial year, the Government seeks authority from Parliament for its spending each year. The Main Estimates start this process and are presented to Parliament by the Treasury. This sets out the departmental forecast spend for the year. Each year this is updated through the Supplementary Estimates, where any changes against the Main Estimates are published. These are available online at: HMT Main Estimates - GOV.UK ( These publications are accompanied by a Memorandum that provides further information on the key drivers for changes to spending and are also available online: Transport Committee - Estimate memoranda - Committees - UK Parliament. In addition, the Department’s Annual Report and Accounts are published annually, which sets out the final consolidated position for the year: DfT Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024 (

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