Breakfast Clubs

Department for Education written question – answered am ar 8 Awst 2024.

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Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to ensure that kitchen facilities in primary schools are sufficient for new breakfast clubs to provide healthy and nourishing breakfasts.

Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government whether they intend to update the school food standards to ensure that breakfasts served in free breakfast clubs are nutritionally beneficial.

Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to expand the monitoring and enforcement of school food standards to ensure that free breakfasts are nutritionally beneficial.

Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to ensure children that are from the most deprived households will be able to access free breakfast clubs.

Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to ensure that primary schools have sufficient resources and staff time for free breakfast clubs to be delivered effectively.

Photo of Baroness Boycott Baroness Boycott Crossbench

To ask His Majesty's Government when they expect to introduce free breakfast clubs in primary schools.

Photo of Baroness Smith of Malvern Baroness Smith of Malvern Minister of State (Education)

The government is committed to breaking down barriers to opportunity and giving every child the best start in life. Breakfast clubs will remove barriers to opportunity by ensuring every child, no matter their circumstances, is set-up for the day and ready to learn by providing a supportive start to the day. The government is committed to making quick progress to deliver on its commitment to offer breakfast clubs in every primary school.

The department has taken decisive action by announcing in the King’s Speech that, under the Children’s Wellbeing Bill, every primary school in England will offer a breakfast club. Legislating for breakfast club provision will give schools the certainty they need to plan for the future. Before the legislation comes into force, the department will work closely with the sector to make sure the right support, including funding, guidance and resources are in place.

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