Insulin: Somerset

Department of Health and Social Care written question – answered am ar 1 Awst 2024.

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Photo of Anna Sabine Anna Sabine Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol, Frome and East Somerset

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what assessment he has made of the adequacy of insulin stocks in pharmacies in Somerset.

Photo of Karin Smyth Karin Smyth Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)

The Department monitors and manages medicine supply at a national level so that stocks remain available to meet regional and local demand. No assessment has been made, as information on stock levels within individual pharmacies is not held centrally. Local demand is managed by individual pharmacies.

We are aware of supply issues with Tresiba FlexTouch 100 units per millilitre pre-filled pens and Fiasp FlexTouch 100 units per millilitre pre-filled pens. The Department continues to work with the respective manufacturers to help resolve the supply issues. We have issued communications to National Health Service healthcare professionals, providing comprehensive management guidance, advice, and information, to allow them to support their patients. These supply issues do not only affect the United Kingdom, and we have a range of well-established processes to manage them when they do occur.

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