Pay: Young People

Treasury written question – answered am ar 30 Gorffennaf 2024.

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Photo of Richard Holden Richard Holden Ceidwadwyr, Basildon and Billericay

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, what the average take home pay was of someone aged 23 working full-time on the minimum wage in (a) cash terms and (b) adjusted for inflation in the financial year (i) 2000-01, (ii) 2009-10 and (iii) 2023-24.

Photo of Tulip Siddiq Tulip Siddiq The Economic Secretary to the Treasury

The statistics requested can be calculated for a typical worker on the minimum wage using the following data sources: average hours from ONS dataset HOUR01; inflation from ONS CPI series D7BT; historic Income Tax liabilities from HMRC, “Income Tax Personal Allowances and Reliefs”; historic National Insurance liabilities from HMRC, “Main Features of National Insurance Contributions”.

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