Ministry of Defence: Public Appointments

Ministry of Defence written question – answered am ar 1 Awst 2024.

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Photo of James Cartlidge James Cartlidge Shadow Secretary of State for Defence

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what the remuneration package of the National Armaments Director will be.

Photo of Maria Eagle Maria Eagle The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence

To align with the Government's vision for reform in Defence, and the Secretary of State's priority to strengthen leadership through the Defence Operating Model, we are developing options for establishing a Military Strategic Headquarters, a stronger Department of State, and the role of the National Armaments Director (NAD). Advice and recommendations on potential changes to the NAD role are being scoped for consideration. Further detail will be made available in due course.

The current NAD's salary is routinely published in the Defence Equipment and Support Annual Report and Accounts.

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