Department for Education written question – answered am ar 31 Gorffennaf 2024.
To ask His Majesty's Government how many children in England are missing from full-time education.
The department collects data on children missing education (compulsory school aged children not registered at school or otherwise receiving suitable education) from local authorities on a voluntary basis. The latest figures are attached, and can also be found here:
On census day in autumn 2023 there were an estimated 33,000 children missing education (this includes adjustments made for non-response and is based on a figure of 30,400 reported by 94% of local authorities).
The figures do not include children registered in schools or alternative provision who are persistently or severely absent and/or on part-time timetables, or children receiving suitable elective home education.
This government is committed to the introduction of local authority registers of children who are not in school. These measures will be included in the future Children’s Wellbeing Bill, as announced in His Majesty the King’s Speech on 17 July 2024. These measures will ensure that the department and local authorities are able to keep a record of children and ensure they are receiving the high standard of education they all deserve.
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