Roads: Birmingham

Department for Transport written question – answered am ar 26 Gorffennaf 2024.

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Photo of Laurence Turner Laurence Turner Llafur, Birmingham Northfield

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, with reference to the independent report entitled Birmingham City Council: Statutory intervention update letter from Commissioners of 9 January 2024, published on 22 February 2024, whether her Department responded to the separate letter on the Birmingham Highways PFI contract; and if she will place a copy of that letter in the House of Commons Library.

Photo of Lilian Greenwood Lilian Greenwood Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)

Department for Transport officials sent a letter to Birmingham City Council’s chief executive to acknowledge receipt of the letter in question and to offer a meeting to discuss the PFI contract. The letter from DfT officials will be deposited in the House of Commons Library.

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