Army: Training

Ministry of Defence written question – answered am ar 24 Mai 2024.

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Photo of Siobhain McDonagh Siobhain McDonagh Llafur, Mitcham and Morden

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many and what proportion of soldiers that took the Soldier Conditioning Review were graded (a) condition, (b) unconditioned and (c) other in each year since that review was introduced.

Photo of Andrew Murrison Andrew Murrison The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence

In relation to the Soldier Conditioning Review, personnel are marked on the system as ‘red’ when they have areas of physical fitness they need to improve. If they are marked as ‘green’ it means they do not have any specific areas of physical fitness development / improvement and are at an adequate baseline. Personnel are marked as ‘Amber’ on the system if the individual needs to take another assessment in the next two months.

The table below shows the number and proportion of Regular and Reserve soldiers that took the Soldier Conditioning Review who were graded as ‘Green’ or ‘Amber’ and ‘All other grades’.


Number of Pers



01 Apr – 31 Dec 2022


Green or Amber



All other grades


01 Jan – 31 Dec 2023


Green or Amber



All other grades



  1. This data was sourced by the Army’s Personnel Policy Directorate as at 17 May 2024. The data has been taken from a live system and therefore could be subject to change.
  1. The figures are single Service estimates based on management information which is not gathered for statistical purposes or subject to the same level of scrutiny as official statistics produced by Defence Statistics. The figures provided may therefore be subject to data quality issues affecting their accuracy.
  1. The Soldier Conditioning Review was implemented in 2019. Prior to April 2022 the data was recorded in a different manner due to a change in how the tests were recorded and captured on the system, therefore this information is not available in the format requested.

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