Budget March 2024: Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Office written question – answered am ar 24 Ebrill 2024.

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Photo of Kirsten Oswald Kirsten Oswald Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Women), Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Equalities)

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, what assessment he has made of the impact of the Spring Budget 2024 on Northern Ireland.

Photo of Steven Baker Steven Baker The Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office

The Spring Budget underlined the UK Government’s commitment to Northern Ireland and to the Union.

The Executive will be able to spend additional Barnett funding of £100 million for 2024-25, on top of the £3.3 billion spending settlement.

It announced over £1 billion of new tax reliefs for creative industries across the UK, which is great news for NI’s creative industry businesses.

Another £2 million was announced to boost global investment and trade, building on the successful NI Investment Summit held last September.

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