Food: Japan

Department for Business and Trade written question – answered am ar 19 Ebrill 2024.

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Photo of Emily Thornberry Emily Thornberry Shadow Attorney General

To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, with reference to her Department's press release entitled UK businesses welcome protection for iconic British food and drink in Japan, published on 27 February 2024, how many food and drink products are included in the second group for which her Department are seeking geographical indication protection in Japan under the terms of the UK-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

Photo of Greg Hands Greg Hands Party Chair, Conservative Party, Minister of State (Department for Business and Trade)

For the second tranche of GIs, the UK has put forward 39 food and drink products seeking GI protection under the terms of the UK-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership. The second group is set to be announced once Japan has concluded its examination of the names.

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