Home Office written question – answered am ar 7 Gorffennaf 2022.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, what estimate she has made of (a) the number of officials in her Department involved in recording retained EU legislation for the purposes of the Retained EU Law Dashboard in the latest period for which figures are available and (b) the cost to the public purse of recording that information.
There were a number of officials who provided information relating to their policy areas to identify retained EU legislation for inclusion in the Retained EU Law Dashboard. This was an iterative process over a number of months. In Full Time Equivalent terms this staffing resource would equate to 0.5 FTE.
There has been no additional non-pay cost to the public purse by creating the dashboard. The process was led by the Cabinet Office, who commissioned Government Departments to find REUL within their legislation and compile an authoritative account of where REUL sits on the UK statute book.
The dashboard itself is made by the Government Strategic Management Office and is hosted on Tableau Public, which is a free platform for hosting public dashboards. The dashboard will continue to be updated at no additional cost.
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