Department of Health and Social Care written question – answered am ar 24 Hydref 2019.
To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what steps he is taking to ensure the security of personal data created by genomic sequencing.
The National Health Service is working with Genomics England to ensure the security of personal data created by genomic sequencing through the new pipeline for Whole Genome Sequencing in the NHS.
Genomics England has adopted a multi-layered approach to delivering cyber security and data protection for data generated from sequencing. The approach ensures that Genomics England data capture systems remain secure and are appropriately protected from external threats. Genomics England has engaged with the Department, NHS Digital and the National Cyber Security Centre to review the Genomics England Security Strategy and Policy and is working towards formal Cyber Security Accreditation during 2020.
In April 2018, the Department launched the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. This covers the key data security and data protection requirements for health and social care organisations. Organisations can self-assess against it to demonstrate that they are meeting information governance requirements.
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