Ministerial Policy Advisers: Security

Cabinet Office written question – answered am ar 21 Hydref 2019.

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Photo of Nicholas Dakin Nicholas Dakin Opposition Whip (Commons)

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, what processes the Government has in place to ensure that special advisers continue to comply with requirements of the national security Vetting Decision Framework subsequent to having previously declared that they have not been involved in actions intended to overthrow or undermine Parliamentary democracy by political, industrial or violent means.

Photo of Oliver Dowden Oliver Dowden Paymaster General (HM Treasury), Minister of State (Cabinet Office)

The National Security Vetting process does not differentiate between special advisers and civil servants. Once a candidate is cleared and commences tenure, there are a series of processes to provide assurance and periodic review, as appropriate. For security reasons, these activities are not in the public domain.

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