Prisons: Health Services

Ministry of Justice written question – answered am ar 5 Chwefror 2018.

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Photo of Lord Beecham Lord Beecham Shadow Spokesperson (Justice), Shadow Spokesperson (Communities and Local Government), Shadow Spokesperson (Housing)

To ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions have taken place between the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Health and Social Care concerning the provision of adequate healthcare in prisons following recent reports.

Photo of Lord Keen of Elie Lord Keen of Elie The Advocate-General for Scotland, Lords Spokesperson (Ministry of Justice)

The Ministry of Justice, Department of Health and Social Care, and their agencies, work in close partnership to oversee the commissioning and delivery of healthcare in prisons.

The National Partnership Agreement for the collaborative commissioning and delivery of healthcare services in prisons in England enables joint working and discussions between departments for the effective oversight of prison healthcare services. This agreement between the Ministry of Justice, Department of Health and Social Care, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, NHS England and Public Health England, sets out the shared strategic intent and joint commitments in the commissioning, enabling and delivery of healthcare services in adult prisons. The current agreement is subject to review and an updated version will be published in April 2018.

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