Domestic Violence: Employment

Home Office written question – answered am ar 7 Tachwedd 2017.

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Photo of Lord McColl of Dulwich Lord McColl of Dulwich Ceidwadwyr

To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to encourage departments and non-departmental bodies to engage with, and support, the Employers' Initiative on Domestic Abuse; and what progress has been made to date.

Photo of Lord McColl of Dulwich Lord McColl of Dulwich Ceidwadwyr

To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to support action in the workplace to combat domestic abuse.

Photo of Lord McColl of Dulwich Lord McColl of Dulwich Ceidwadwyr

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will be represented at the Employers' Initiative on Domestic Abuse conference on 29 November.

Photo of Baroness Williams of Trafford Baroness Williams of Trafford The Minister of State, Home Department

The Home Office has been working closely with the Employers’ Initiative to encourage employers to take further action to support victims of domestic abuse in the workplace. This includes engaging with other departments and non-departmental bodies to raise awareness of the Employers’ Initiative and working with wider partners to ensure employers have the guidance and tools to offer high-quality support to victims.

The Home Office will be represented at the conference on the 29 November.

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