
Foreign and Commonwealth Office written question – answered am ar 11 Ebrill 2017.

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Photo of Lord Hunt of Chesterton Lord Hunt of Chesterton Llafur

To ask Her Majesty’s Government, following the non-inclusion in the recent G20 communiqué of any reference to climate change, what measures they will take to ensure that a report on progress on climate change will be included in the final communiqué issued by future G20 meetings.

Photo of Baroness Anelay of St Johns Baroness Anelay of St Johns Minister of State

The G20 Finance Ministers’ communiqué was the result of negotiation between all G20 members and invited organisations, and is one in a series of statements being issued by G20 members this year. The UK remains firmly committed to taking action to tackle climate change and to the Paris Agreement. We will continue to engage in G20 discussions in the lead up to the G20 Leaders’ Summit on 8 July.

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