Offences against Children: Internet

Home Office written question – answered am ar 11 Ebrill 2017.

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Photo of Baroness Jones of Whitchurch Baroness Jones of Whitchurch Shadow Spokesperson (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)

To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre has made of the extent of child sexual abuse and exploitation online; which groups of children are particularly at risk; and whether there is evidence of a growing problem of online sexual risk for UK children.

Photo of Baroness Jones of Whitchurch Baroness Jones of Whitchurch Shadow Spokesperson (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)

To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre has published any statistics in publicly available research reports since 2013; and if not, whether it has any plans to do so in the short term.

Photo of Baroness Williams of Trafford Baroness Williams of Trafford The Minister of State, Home Department

The National Crime Agency, of which the CEOP Command forms part, publishes the National Strategic Assessment annually. The Assessment provides a comprehensive picture of the risk posed to the UK and its interests by serious and organised crime, including child sexual exploitation and abuse.

The National Crime Agency also publishes an Annual Report which contains a set of statistics in respect of the whole of its activity.

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