Home Department written question – answered am ar 10 Ionawr 2012.
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many transgender murder victims there have been in each of the last five years.
The requested information is not collected centrally.
Tackling hate crime is an issue the Government take very seriously, and we are committed to doing more to support and protect victims.
We are meeting the coalition commitment to improve the recording of such crimes, and working with the police and other partners to encourage more victims to come forward. In line with this commitment, information on whether the offence was motivated by the victim being transgender will be collected via the Homicide Index from April 2012.
Further information on Government plans relating to transgender equality can be found in the Home Office publication ‘Advancing transgender equality: a plan for action’ at the following link:
Yes1 person thinks so
No2 people think not
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