Civil Partnerships

Women and Equalities written question – answered am ar 25 Hydref 2011.

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Photo of Graham Allen Graham Allen Chair, Political and Constitutional Reform Committee, Chair, Political and Constitutional Reform Committee

To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities what meetings she (a) has held and (b) plans to hold with religious groups and religious representatives to discuss the proposals for civil marriage for gay and lesbian people.

Photo of Lynne Featherstone Lynne Featherstone The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department

The Government announced on 17 September the Government's intention to publish a formal consultation document on equal civil marriage in March 2012. From now until the publication of the consultation myself and officials in the Government Equalities Office will be meeting with a wide range of people with an interest in this issue, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups and religious and non-religious organisations, to help shape the formal consultation document.

These meetings are scheduled to take place over the coming weeks and are being held on a confidential basis.

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