Electronic Cigarettes

Health written question – answered am ar 7 Ebrill 2010.

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Photo of Fraser Kemp Fraser Kemp Llafur, Houghton and Washington East

To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether he plans to bring forward proposals to regulate the sale of e-cigarettes; what progress has been made in the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency consultation exercise on e-cigarettes; and if he will make a statement.

Photo of Mike O'Brien Mike O'Brien Minister of State (Health Services), Department of Health

'A smokefree future: a comprehensive tobacco control strategy for England', published on 1 February 2010, sets out the Government's strategy for tobacco control and this included proposals for changes to the regulation of products containing nicotine. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) launched a full public consultation exercise alongside the publication of the strategy on whether and how to bring unlicensed nicotine containing products, such as electronic cigarettes, within the medicines licensing regime. Copies of the strategy and consultation document have been placed in the Library.

The consultation is ongoing until 4 May 2010 and the Government will take decisions about whether and how to regulate these products and timing once the consultation exercise has closed, responses to the consultation have been considered and risks and benefits of the options have been evaluated. The outcome of consultation will be published on the MHRA's website at:


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