Justice written question – answered am ar 6 Ebrill 2010.
To ask the Secretary of State for Justice pursuant to the answer of 16 March 2010, Official Report, column 833W, on legal costs, in how many cases concerning remuneration of employees the final ruling was (a) in favour of and (b) against his Department in each month of the last three years.
In the core Ministry of Justice (excluding NOMS) none of the cases whose legal costs or compensation values reported in my answer of
All cases were either withdrawn by the claimants or where applicable, settlement was agreed by the Ministry in advance of a ruling.
The National Offender Management Service (NOMS) is an Agency of the Ministry of Justice. It has not been possible to obtain information covering NOMS in answer to this question without incurring disproportionate cost.
Yes1 person thinks so
No1 person thinks not
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