Hospitals: Manpower

Health written question – answered am ar 6 Ebrill 2010.

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Photo of Shailesh Vara Shailesh Vara Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many (a) doctors and (b) nurses were employed in the NHS in each hospital in North West Cambridgeshire constituency (i) in 1997 and (ii) on the latest date for which figures are available.

Photo of Ann Keen Ann Keen Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Health Services), Department of Health

Information is not available in the format requested. The number of doctors and nurses employed in NHS hospitals in Cambridgeshire in 1997 and 2009 are shown in the following table.

Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS): doctors and nurses within specified organisations
Number (Headcount)
As at 30 September each year
1997 2009
Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
HCHS Doctors 614 1,263
Nurses 1,814 3,028
Hinchingbrooke Healthcare NHS Trust
HCHS Doctors 152 169
Nurses 673 601
Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
HCHS Doctors 285 416
Nurses 1,026 1,189

The NHS Information Centre for health and social care medical and dental workforce census and the NHS Information Centre for health and social care non-medical workforce census y challenge.

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