Local Government: Cost Effectiveness

Treasury written question – answered am ar 6 Ebrill 2010.

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Photo of Stewart Jackson Stewart Jackson Shadow Minister (Communities and Local Government)

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the working estimate is of the cash value of local government's contribution to the Operational Efficiency Programme's target of £8 billion of efficiency savings by 2012-13; and whether the £8 billion of annual savings are cumulative by 2012-13.

Photo of Liam Byrne Liam Byrne The Chief Secretary to the Treasury

Budget 2010 provided an update on the £8 billion of Operational Efficiency Programme (OEP) savings and the £3 billion cross-cutting savings by 2012-13. Details of the proportion of these savings contributed by local government are available at:


The £8 billion annual OEP savings are savings to be delivered by 2012-13, against a baseline year of 2010-11. These are not cumulative savings. More detail on OEP savings numbers is available at:


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