Government Departments: ICT

Treasury written question – answered am ar 29 Mawrth 2010.

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Photo of Francis Maude Francis Maude Shadow Minister (Cabinet Office)

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the cost to the public purse had been of the Office for Government Commerce Heavy Hitter Programme Delivery Director service on the latest date for which figures are available; on which IT projects each consultant contracted under that service worked; and what payments have been made to each such consultant for work undertaken in connection with that service.

Photo of Ian Pearson Ian Pearson Economic Secretary, HM Treasury

The Programme Delivery Directors (PDDs) project was part of a wider initiative, Executive Support Service, launched in 2005 to improve the success rate of major projects. Two consultants were deployed as Programme Delivery Directors, as set out in the table. The costs involved were recovered by the organisations concerned. Both appointments were made following a comprehensive value for money assessment.

Project name Description Period of time deployed: June 2006 - December 2007 Daily r ate (£) Total cost minus T and S (£)
Youth Justice Board Delivery Director Programme 260 days 1,100 273,000
OIS Programme Delivery Director 188 days 1,200 217,000
Total - - 490,000

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