Maternity Benefits

Treasury written question – answered am ar 25 Mawrth 2010.

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Photo of Maria Miller Maria Miller Shadow Minister (Children, Young People and Families)

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the rate of take-up is of the health in pregnancy grant in each local authority.

Photo of Stephen Timms Stephen Timms Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills) (Digital Britain) (also HM Treasury), Financial Secretary (HM Treasury) (also in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills)

The 'Health in Pregnancy Grant' is a one-off, tax-free payment from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for mothers-to-be who are at least 25 weeks pregnant to help them prepare for the birth of their baby. Further information is available at:

The information requested is available only at disproportionate cost, due to the complexity of estimating the overall number of mothers-to-be who are eligible for the Health in Pregnancy Grant.

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