Parenting Orders

Children, Schools and Families written question – answered am ar 9 Mawrth 2010.

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Photo of Michael Gove Michael Gove Shadow Secretary of State (Children, Schools and Families)

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many parenting orders were issued because of (a) poor behaviour in school and (b) truancy in (i) 1997, (ii) 2005 and (iii) the latest year for which figures are available.

Photo of Vernon Coaker Vernon Coaker Minister of State (Department for Children, Schools and Families) (Schools and Learners)

We have been collecting data on parenting orders since 2004.

The number of parenting orders made following truancy prosecution (ancillary orders) is 427 for 2004/05, 505 in 2005/06, 602 in 2007/08 and 396 for 2008/09.

All 150 local authorities have systems in place to use orders for behaviour in appropriate cases, but no orders have yet been issued. Parenting orders for behaviour are a last resort measure, intended only for parents that will not engage with voluntary measures, and were never expected to be used in great volume. The number of parenting contracts for behaviour accepted by parents is 410 for 2004/05, 1898 for 2005/06, 2535 for 2006/07, 2546 for 2007/08 and 3528 for 2008/09.

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