Olympic Village

Olympics written question – answered am ar 18 Ionawr 2010.

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Photo of Henry Bellingham Henry Bellingham Shadow Minister (Justice)

To ask the Minister for the Olympics when she next expects to meet representatives of relevant local authorities to discuss use of the Olympic Village after the London 2012 Olympics.

Photo of Tessa Jowell Tessa Jowell Minister of State (Regional Affairs) (London), Minister (Cabinet Office) (Also Minister for Olympics and Paymaster General)

I hold regular meetings with the leaders and mayors of the five east London host boroughs, along with my ministerial colleagues at Communities and Local Government, on a range of issues relating to ensuring a sustainable legacy for east London from the games, including on housing provision on the park site.

After the games the Olympic village will become a significant asset to this part of east London, with over 2,800 homes providing a mixture of private and social housing, available for take-up by both local people and others.

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