Meat Hygiene Service: Manpower

Health written question – answered am ar 9 Gorffennaf 2009.

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Photo of Edward O'Hara Edward O'Hara Llafur, Knowsley South

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the average cost of employing a meat hygiene inspector to the Meat Hygiene Service was (a) at its inception in current prices and (b) at the latest date for which information is available.

Photo of Gillian Merron Gillian Merron Minister of State (Public Health), Department of Health

The average cost of employing a meat hygiene inspector when the Meat Hygiene Service was established on 1 April 1995 is unavailable.

The salary scale for a meat hygiene inspector as at 31 March 2009 is £20,974 to £25,541(1, 2).

(1 )Member of principal civil service pension scheme.

(2 )Pay award pending.

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