Olympics written question – answered am ar 15 Mehefin 2009.
To ask the Minister for the Olympics what criteria will apply to the award of contracts for landscaping of the London 2012 Olympic main site; and if she will make a statement.
Contracts for landscaping of the London 2012 Olympic Park are the responsibility of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) and are awarded following a competitive tendering process. The authority is a public body whose procurements are subject to the public contracts regulations.
The ODA, in support of its overarching commitment to value and quality, sets a number of requirements, including demonstration of quality and functionality, equality and diversity, design and accessibility, and sustainability, as part of the evaluation criteria used to award contracts. In addition to this core criteria, bespoke commercial and technical conditions are set as appropriate for each of the individual contracts within the Landscape and Public Realm project.
Further detail on ODA procurement policy and principles can be found in the ODA Procurement Policy (published March 2007) and the ODA Supplier Guide (published June 2008).
Over the next three years, there will be a number of opportunities available to landscaping contractors to supply the thousands of young woodland trees, shrubs and other plants needed to complement those trees and plants already secured for a spectacular and sustainable Olympic Park in both games-time and legacy.
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