FE Funding

Education and Skills written question – answered am ar 23 Mawrth 2005.

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Photo of Mrs Anne Campbell Mrs Anne Campbell Llafur, Cambridge

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what plans she has to ensure that fee concessions remain in place for those aged over 60 years who wish to study at a further education college in Cambridge.

Photo of Kim Howells Kim Howells Minister of State (Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education), Department for Education and Skills

Older people will continue to be eligible for concessions funded by my Department through the Learning and Skills Council if they are receiving an income based benefit such as housing benefit or council tax benefit, and they may be eligible for fee concessions if they are receiving the pension credit. Learners of any age will also have access to literacy, numeracy and English language courses free of charge. Colleges in Cambridge will continue to have considerable discretion in setting fees and, although we want colleges to raise more of the income they voluntarily forgo, we have no plans to stop colleges offering additional concessions if appropriate.

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