Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs written question – answered am ar 20 Gorffennaf 2004.
To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the current security situation in (a) Kosovo and (b) the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
The overall security situation in Kosovo is currently stable but tense. Since March, there continue to be isolated incidents of violence which have been contained by local law enforcement. As a means to enhance the exchange of information on security issues a Kosovo Security Advisory Group has been set up with representatives of all the Kosovo communities, UNMIK and KFOR.
The security situation in Macedonia is stable, but fragile, particularly in the former crisis areas in the north west of the country. We judge that most violence is linked primarily to criminality. However, tensions could escalate as ongoing discussions on a number of issues, in particular the decentralisation process called for by the Ohrid Framework Agreement, come to a head.
We continue to monitor the situation in both Kosovo and Macedonia carefully.
Yes0 people think so
No0 people think not
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