Mercher, 9 Hydref 2013
My Rt. Hon Friend the Minister of State for Universities and Skills (David Willetts) has made the following statement. The Coalition Government made a commitment to review public bodies, with the...
The Government is committed to periodically reviewing public bodies to ensure their roles, functions and operations continue to be necessary. A triennial review of the Export Guarantees Advisory...
The coalition Government made a commitment to review public bodies, with the aim of increasing accountability for actions carried out on behalf of the state. The triennial review of the British...
The Government announced today that the Equitable Life payment scheme (“the scheme”) will be extended to 2015. The Government are taking this action to make sure as many Equitable...
In March 2013 the Government published a consultation, “Opening up UK payments”, which set out the Government’s proposal to introduce a new, competition-focused, utility-style...
The two badger cull pilots, in Somerset and Gloucestershire, were designed to test that controlled shooting is a safe, humane and effective means of reducing badger numbers. Successfully tackling...
I wish to inform the House of developments concerning the arrest of 30 people, including six British nationals who were onboard the Arctic Sunrise in the Arctic circle. All have all been charged...
I will attend the first Transport Council of the Lithuanian presidency (the presidency) taking place in Luxembourg on Thursday 10 October. There will be an orientation debate on the proposal for...
Today I am publishing “Rail Fares and Ticketing: Next Steps”, the outcome of the Government’s review of fares and ticketing. The review has been an opportunity to consider a...
I am pleased to announce that later today we intend to lay regulations to amend the cold weather payment scheme. The changes detailed in these regulations will come into force on 1 November this...
Written Ministerial Statements were introducted in late 2002 to stop the practice of having “planted” or “inspired” questions designed to elicit Government statements.
They are just that – statements on a particular topic by a Government Minister.