General Question Time – in the Scottish Parliament am ar 31 Hydref 2024.
To ask the Scottish Government whether the £12.5 million of funding that it plans to provide for education in Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia was set out in the budget for 2024-25. (S6O-03872)
Supporting international development remains one of the most important ways that Scotland can be a good global citizen. I confirm that those programmes are supported by the international development fund of £11.5 million in 2024-25, as published on 19 December 2023 and approved by Parliament in March. The budget for year 1 of our inclusive education programmes for Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda, which was announced on 15 October, amounts to £1.65 million in 2024-25. Over five years, subject to the usual parliamentary approvals in relation to the annual budget act, we expect the total value of the programme to be £12.5 million.
In Scotland, classroom standards are plummeting and violence is rising. Teacher numbers are declining, secure full-time posts are scarce, and cuts to school hours and assistant numbers are at risk. Currie community high school parent council is writing to the City of Edinburgh Council to express its deep concern regarding the proposed cuts to additional support needs services in our education community. It states that the cuts could significantly affect the quality of education and support for those students who rely on ASN services and wider learners.
Foreign aid is reserved and public cash should be spent at home rather than abroad. Does the cabinet secretary agree that the Scottish Government should be prioritising the education of Scotland’s young people first?
Scotland’s international development programme is now entering its 20th year and it has—until now, it would appear—had cross-party support. Spending on international development on inclusive education is minuscule when compared with spending on education in Scotland. I hope that Sue Webber will reflect—as, indeed, will her colleagues behind her who were nodding—on the intervention that has just been made and support the modest but impactful way in which Scotland demonstrates its commitment to being a good global citizen.