– in the Scottish Parliament am 4:35 pm ar 30 Mai 2024.
There is one question to be put as a result of today’s business. The question is, that motion S6M-13407, in the name of Angela Constance, on the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill, be agreed to. As that is a motion to pass the bill at stage 3, the question must be decided by division. There will be a short suspension to allow members to access the digital voting system.
We move to the vote on motion S6M-13407, in the name of Angela Constance. Members should cast their votes now.
The vote is closed.
On a point of order, Presiding Officer. For some reason, my app couldnae connect. I would have voted yes.
Thank you, Ms Harper. We will ensure that that is recorded.
On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I could not get into the system. I would have voted yes.
Thank you, Ms Gosal. We will ensure that that is recorded.
[ Inaudible .]—but I believe that I have voted.
Thank you, Ms Adamson. I can confirm that that is the case.
On a point of order, Presiding Officer. Apologies, but I could not connect. I would have voted yes.
Thank you, Mr Gray. We will ensure that that is recorded.
On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I was unable to connect. I would have voted yes.
Thank you, Mr Arthur. We will ensure that that is recorded.
On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I have the same issue as yesterday. I was unable to log in on my laptop or on my mobile. I would have voted yes.
Thank you, Mr Golden. We will ensure that that is recorded.
The result of the division on motion S6M-13407, in the name of Angela Constance, on the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill, is: For 116, Against 0, Abstentions 0.
Motion agreed to,
That the Parliament agrees that the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill be passed.
As the motion is agreed to, the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences (Scotland) Bill is passed. [ Applause .]
That concludes decision time.