Glasgow (Capital Project)

First Minister’s Question Time – in the Scottish Parliament am ar 30 Mai 2024.

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Photo of Paul Sweeney Paul Sweeney Llafur

If the First Minister agrees that there is, indeed, a climate emergency, why is the Government’s biggest capital project in Glasgow—rebuilding a 50-year-old motorway viaduct—now estimated at a staggering cost of more than £150 million, with no consultation with my constituents, while it cuts the city’s public transport budget to zero?

Photo of John Swinney John Swinney Scottish National Party

There will be essential projects that have to be undertaken to ensure public safety and to guarantee that we have the appropriate level of connectivity in our communities. Obviously, there is a debate to be had about the merits of individual projects, but the Government has an obligation to work with local authorities in a spirit of partnership to agree the infrastructure improvements that are necessary to ensure that we have connectivity in our country.