Iau, 3 Hydref 2024
Good morning. The first item of business is general questions. To get in as many members as possible, short and succinct questions and responses would be appreciated. Question 1 has...
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on how it is supporting childcare providers. (S6O-03806)
To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with the United Kingdom Government regarding the provision of levelling up funding for areas of multiple deprivation such as...
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of any impact on public services of an increased population in areas such as Midlothian. (S6O-03808)
To ask the Scottish Government when it last met with senior representatives from the Scottish hospitality industry. (S6O-03809)
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its long-term ferry strategy to ensure reliability for communities. (S6O-03810)
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the recommendations in the recent Oxfam Scotland report, “Cleared for Take-off: A Private Jet Tax for Scotland”. (S6O-03811)
I will be concise, as always. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to ensure that school meals meet or exceed existing nutritional standards. (S6O-03812)
The Scottish National Party’s plan for a national care service has already wasted £28 million of taxpayers’ money. Four parliamentary committees have warned about its flaws,...
We have known for years that delayed discharge is exacerbating the crisis in our national health service. Delayed discharge is when someone is medically cleared to leave hospital but is unable to...
The world’s failure to address Israel’s impunity, to protect civilians or to prevent war crimes has made the escalation of violence in the middle east inevitable. Through devolved...
To ask the First Minister, in light of the recent reports of an increase in alcohol-related deaths in Scotland, what steps the Scottish Government is taking to reduce excessive drinking....
To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government’s position is regarding whether teachers are essential to raising educational attainment and closing the poverty-related attainment...
During recent weeks, a number of constituents have contacted me regarding concerning incidents that have taken place on Scottish Government-owned land in Granton. Most worryingly, a fire was...
As part of dyslexia awareness week, Dyslexia Scotland and the University of Glasgow yesterday published a hard-hitting research project report, “Towards a dyslexia-friendly...
The First Minister will be aware of the case of my constituent who died last week in an industrial accident in Southampton. His death will be subject to a coroner’s inquest, which will be...
On 27 September, the Afghan embassy in the United Kingdom closed, leaving the 280,000-strong Afghan diaspora in the UK, including constituents of mine and families across Scotland, without...
This morning, police officers from across Scotland have been holding a silent demonstration in front of the Parliament, and many officers are currently in the public gallery. Years of brutal cuts...
To ask the First Minister, in the light of the disruption that will arise from the closure of the Princess Alexandra eye pavilion for the next six months, what financial support the Scottish...
Almost two thirds of teachers who were surveyed in Fife are considering leaving the profession, as a result of violence in schools. What can the First Minister say to those teachers to keep them...
It is vital that we continue to take action to tackle the housing emergency, and the £22 million investment this week into the charitable bond programme to increase investment in affordable...
It is now more than three years since the Scottish National Party Government announced a review into the dualling of the A96. The review is nearly two years late and the Government’s...
The next item of business is a members’ business debate on motion S6M-12723, in the name of Katy Clark, on Ardrossan harbour. The debate will be concluded without any question being put. ...
To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to bring down processing times for the adult disability payment, in light of the most recent high level statistics from Social Security...
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the implications of the United Kingdom Government’s decision to reduce the winter fuel payment for the delivery of the...
To ask the Scottish Government how its social security policies are mitigating any impact in Scotland of the United Kingdom Government’s so-called bedroom tax and benefit cap. (S6O-03800)
To ask the Scottish Government how payments made by Social Security Scotland are incentivising people in Fife back into work. (S6O-03801)
To ask the Scottish Government what its proposed timeline and target date are for the establishment of a leavers fund to support victims of domestic abuse to leave abusive relationships....
To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to continue delivering social security provisions, in light of reports that total spending on devolved social security in 2024-25 is expected to be...
There is one question to be put as a result of today’s business. The question is, that motion S6M-14689, in the name of Claire Baker, on behalf of the Economy and Fair Work Committee, on...
The next item of business is a debate on motion S6M-14689, in the name of Claire Baker, on behalf of the Economy and Fair Work Committee, on the just transition inquiry for Grangemouth and the...
The Scottish Parliament is the national legislature of Scotland, located in Edinburgh. The Parliament consists of 129 members known as MSPs, elected for four-year terms; 73 represent individual geographical constituencies, and 56 are regional representatives.