QNR – Senedd Cymru am ar 4 Mehefin 2024.
Mae ein strategaeth tlodi plant yn nodi sut bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn taclo tlodi plant yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys Gorllewin De Cymru. Bydd hynny’n cael ei wneud drwy fentrau i leihau costau, cynyddu incwm i'r eithaf, a datblygu llwybrau allan o dlodi, er mwyn i bob plentyn allu mwynhau eu hawliau a chael pob cyfle i gyrraedd eu potensial.
The relationships and sexuality education code remains developmentally appropriate and does not promote a particular viewpoint. Schools must follow these legal requirements. Analysis of the Cass review and any implications for services in Wales continues between officials in education, equalities and health.
The number of children’s pathways on a referral-to-treatment waiting list in March 2024 had fallen by just over 2 per cent compared to April 2022, and from 8.2 per cent of all pathways in April 2022 to 7.3 per cent in March 2024. CAMH waiting lists have shown improvements, but more is required for treatment times.