QNR – Senedd Cymru am ar 3 Gorffennaf 2018.
The report contributes to the evidence base to inform the future actions needed to enhance biodiversity in Wales. Supporting biodiversity is at the heart of our well-being of future generations Act and our environment Act. Our nature recovery action plan sets out our ambition to reverse the decline of biodiversity in Wales.
An updated respiratory health delivery plan for Wales was published in January and sets out the approach to tackling respiratory disease over the next 12 months. Investment in respiratory care in Wales has increased from £338 million in 2009-10 to £43 2million in 2016-17.
We take every opportunity to impress on the UK Government the potential impact on Wales of the wrong sort of Brexit. In recent weeks these have included a British-Irish Council, JMC(EN) and ministerial forum and there will be a further opportunity at another JMC(EN) tomorrow.
Improving access to high quality, affordable childcare services across the whole of Wales, including north Wales, remains a key Welsh Government priority.
The Welsh Government does not routinely collect cancer survival data by health board. However, all-Wales figures show one-year survival has improved 3.2 percentage points between 2005-09 and 2010-14 and five-year survival has improved 3.3 percentage points over the same time period.
Whilst responsibility for serving armed forces personnel lies with the UK Government, we have made it clear in 'Taking Wales Forward' our commitment to support both serving and ex-service personnel and their families.,
A healthy diet reduces the risk of non-communicable diseases. We have a number of existing measures to support healthy eating and are currently consulting on guidelines to support healthy food and drink provision in early years settings. We will consult on our healthy weight strategy in the autumn.