QNR – Senedd Cymru am ar 29 Mawrth 2017.
We continue to support economic development across the whole of Wales by helping businesses to grow, investing in high quality infrastructure, and improving economic development conditions.
Transport for Wales is seeking views on the high level direction for the new Wales and borders franchise, including the south Wales metro. The consultation launched on 28 February and will end on 23 May. I will provide an update on the consultation once the process has closed.
The eastern bay link road will be opened in early June.
The development of indoor sports facilities provides both economic and health benefits and Sport Wales are committed to ensuring people have access to quality sport facilities. Later this year they will undertake research involving the economic importance of sport in Wales, based on factors including consumer spend, gross value and employment.
The creative industries make a significant contribution to the Welsh economy, through growth within the sector, but also in its supply chain and the wider creative economy. In recognition of this, we have pledged to set up a separate body to provide a rounded support service, Creative Wales.
Mae rhanbarth Merswy Dyfrdwy yn cynnig cyfleoedd economaidd sylweddol i Gymru a Lloegr. Mae’n bwysig ar gyfer buddsoddiadau strategol gan y ddwy Lywodraeth er mwyn ysgogi twf yng Ngogledd Cymru a hefyd yng ngogledd-orllewin Lloegr. Gall Cynghrair Merswy Dyfrdwy ein cynorthwyo â hyn mewn perthynas â’r cynigion twf.
We are working to improve employers’ recruitment practices in terms of equality and diversity. An example is via ESF support, we are funding an equality and diversity champion to work with the work based learning provider network to improve all aspects of equality in apprenticeship recruitment.