Oeddech chi'n golygu stoke?
Mr David Knox: ...think that it could be best described, in the word that Mr. Matthew Parris frequently uses, as a rant. For many years the debate on the first day of the Budget was marked by speeches from Sir John Stokes and Sir Alan Glyn. Both of those gentlemen retired at the last general election and I am afraid that this occasion will never be quite the same for me now that they are gone....
Mr Warren Hawksley: ...respect the wishes of Madam Speaker, who has called for hon. Members to be brief, as many hon. Members wish to speak. As a retread, I have an advantage in paying tribute to my predecessor, Sir John Stokes, in that I have seen him in the House. During his years in the House he commanded great respect from all hon. Members. In the constituency he increased his majority, which is something...
Mr Roger Knapman: ...in the EC. Apparently a referendum on going into the EC would not have been acceptable, but one on staying in the EC was. I remember the then chairman of the British Leyland motor corporation, Lord Stokes, saying that a much larger market would be extremely useful. He said that he would be able to sell his cars to the 300 million people of Europe. My word, he was going to sell some...
..., John Stern, Michael Wilshire, David Stevens, Lewis Wolfson, Mark Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Wood, Timothy Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Woodcock, Dr. Mike Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Yeo, Tim Stokes, Sir John Young, Sir George (Acton) Summerson, Hugo Younger, Rt Hon George Tapsell, Sir Peter Taylor, Ian (Esher) Tellers for the Ayes: Taylor, Rt Hon J. D. (S'ford) Mr. David Lightbown and...
...Francis Stevens, Lewis Mawhinney, Dr Brian Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Maxwell-Hyslop, Sir Robin Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Mayhew, Rt Hon Sir Patrick Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Mellor, Rt Hon David Stokes, Sir John Meyer, Sir Anthony Sumberg, David Miller, Sir Hal Summerson, Hugo Mills, Iain Tapsell, Sir Peter Mitchell, Andrew (Gedling) Taylor, Ian (Esher) Mitchell, Sir David Taylor,...
... Stern, Michael Wilshire, David Stevens, Lewis Winterton, Mrs Ann Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Winterton, Nicholas Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Wolfson, Mark Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Wood, Timothy Stokes, Sir John Woodcock, Dr. Mike Sumberg, David Yeo, Tim Summerson, Hugo Young, Sir George (Acton) Tapsell, Sir Peter Younger, Rt Hon George Taylor, Ian (Esher) Taylor, Rt Hon J. D....
... Stern, Michael Wardle, Charles (Bexhill) Stevens, Lewis Warren, Kenneth Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Watts, John Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Wells, Bowen Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Wheeler, Sir John Stokes, Sir John Whitney, Ray Sumberg, David Widdecombe, Ann Summerson, Hugo Wiggin, Jerry Tapsell, Sir Peter Wilkinson, John Taylor, Ian (Esher) Wilshire, David Taylor, Rt Hon J. D. (S'ford)...
Dr Norman Godman: ...and respect for the hon. Gentleman, who, in my experience, has always been a fair-minded adversary of the most courteous kind. Earlier, the hon. Member for Halesowen and Stourbridge (Sir J. Stokes)—that splendid English patriot—claimed that he was speaking for England, and, more particularly, for his constituency. That claim seems reasonable enough, on the basis of the speeches that...
Mr John Stokes: Is my right hon. Friend aware that very few people in the country will share any of the views of the hon. Member for Bolsover (Mr. Skinner)? Question Time is unique to this Parliament. It is very much admired by foreign parliaments and enables the Prime Minister and others to answer questions in front of us all. My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has done extremely well and will continue...
...Michael Maples, John Stevens, Lewis Marland, Paul Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Marlow, Tony Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Marshall, John (Hendon S) Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Martin, David (Portsmouth S) Stokes, Sir John Maude, Hon Francis Sumberg, David Mawhinney, Dr Brian Summerson, Hugo Mayhew, Rt Hon Sir Patrick Tapsell, Sir Peter Mellor, Rt Hon David Taylor, Ian (Esher) Meyer, Sir...
Mr John Stokes: Is my right hon. Friend aware that, had I not been an Englishman I would have been happy to be a Scotsman and that had I been alive in the Fifteen or the Forty-five, I would have been in the field for the Stuarts? But surely the time has come to give up those illusions and to do what is best for all of us, the best for Scotland and for the United Kingdom.
..., Bowen Stern, Michael Wheeler, Sir John Stevens, Lewis Whitney, Ray Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Widdecombe, Ann Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Wilkinson, John Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Wilshire, David Stokes, Sir John Winterton, Mrs Ann Sumberg, David Wolfson, Mark Summerson, Hugo Wood, Timothy Tapsell, Sir Peter Woodcock, Dr. Mike Taylor, Ian (Esher) Young, Sir George (Acton) Taylor,...
..., David Stern, Michael Winterton, Mrs Ann Stevens, Lewis Wolfson, Mark Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Wood, Timothy Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Woodcock, Dr. Mike Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Yeo, Tim Stokes, Sir John Young, Sir George (Acton) Sumberg, David Summerson, Hugo Tellers for the Noes: Tapsell, Sir Peter Mr. David Lightbown and Taylor, Ian (Esher) Mr. John M. Taylor.
..., Anthony Stevens, Lewis Neubert, Sir Michael Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Nicholson, David (Taunton) Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Nicholson, Emma (Devon West) Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Norris, Steve Stokes, Sir John Onslow, Rt Hon Cranley Sumberg, David Oppenheim, Phillip Summerson, Hugo Page, Richard Tapsell, Sir Peter Paice, James Taylor, Ian (Esher) Patnick, Irvine Taylor, Sir Teddy...
..., Timothy Stern, Michael Woodcock, Dr. Mike Stevens, Lewis Yeo, Tim Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Young, Sir George (Acton) Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Tellers for the Noes Stokes, Sir John Mr. John M. Taylor and Sumberg, David Mr. David Davies.
..., Rt Hon John Steen, Anthony Malins, Humfrey Stern, Michael Mans, Keith Stevens, Lewis Maples, John Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Marland, Paul Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Martin, David (Portsmouth S) Stokes, Sir John Maude, Hon Francis Summerson, Hugo Mayhew, Rt Hon Sir Patrick Tapsell, Sir Peter Mellor, Rt Hon David Taylor, Ian (Esher) Meyer, Sir Anthony Taylor, Matthew (Truro) Michie,...
Mr John Stokes: I admire the work of the Civil Service college. Does its principal keep in touch with the colleges in Her Majesty's forces, which maintain such a high standard in every respect, while also ensuring that intelligence is applied to complex problems?
...Michael Maples, John Stevens, Lewis Marland, Paul Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Marlow, Tony Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Marshall, John (Hendon S) Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Martin, David (Portsmouth S) Stokes, Sir John Maude, Hon Francis Tapsell, Sir Peter Mellor, Rt Hon David Taylor, Ian (Esher) Mills, Iain Taylor, Sir Teddy Miscampbell, Norman Tebbit, Rt Hon Norman Mitchell, Andrew...
... Mellor, Rt Hon David Stevens, Lewis Meyer, Sir Anthony Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Mills, Iain Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Miscampbell, Norman Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Mitchell, Andrew (Gedling) Stokes, Sir John Mitchell, Sir David Summerson, Hugo Moate, Roger Tapsell, Sir Peter Molyneaux, Rt Hon James Taylor, Ian (Esher) Monro, Sir Hector Taylor, Sir Teddy Montgomery, Sir Fergus...
..., Humfrey Stern, Michael Mans, Keith Stevens, Lewis Maples, John Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Marland, Paul Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Marlow, Tony Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Marshall, John (Hendon S) Stokes, Sir John Martin, David (Portsmouth S) Summerson, Hugo Mates, Michael Tapsell, Sir Peter Maude, Hon Francis Taylor, Ian (Esher) Mayhew, Rt Hon Sir Patrick Taylor, Sir Teddy Mellor,...