Oeddech chi'n golygu stoke?
...; B'wd) Spicer, Michael (S Worcs) Howell, Rt Hon David (G'dford) Steen, Anthony Howell, Ralph (North Norfolk) Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Hunt, Rt Hon David Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Hunter, Andrew Stokes, Sir John Jackson, Robert Summerson, Hugo Janman, Tim Taylor, Ian (Esher) Jessel, Toby Tebbit, Rt Hon Norman Johnson Smith, Sir Geoffrey Thompson, Sir D. (Calder Vly) Jopling, Rt Hon...
Mr John Stokes: Will my right hon. Friend make time next week for a most important debate on a most important subject which is hardly ever debated here—immigration—given the recently published fact that in 1990 more than 250,000 people entered this country for settlement, the highest number since 1964? If this goes on, England will no longer be England.
..., Ann Stern, Michael Wiggin, Jerry Stevens, Lewis Wigley, Dafydd Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Wilkinson, John Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Wilshire, David Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Winterton, Mrs Ann Stokes, Sir John Winterton, Nicholas Sumberg, David Wolfson, Mark Summerson, Hugo Wood, Timothy Tapsell, Sir Peter Yeo, Tim Taylor, Ian (Esher) Young, Sir George (Acton) Taylor, Sir Teddy...
...Stevens, Lewis Lyell, Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Macfarlane, Sir Neil Steward, Andy (Sherwood) MacGregor, Rt Hon John Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian MacKay, Andrew (E Berkshire) Stokes, Sir John Maclean, David Sumberg, David McLoughlin, Patrick Summerson, Hugo McNair-Wilson, Sir Patrick Tapsell, Sir Peter Madel, David Taylor, Ian (Esher) Mans, Keith Taylor, Sir Teddy...
... Stern, Michael Wilshire, David Stevens, Lewis Winterton, Mrs Ann Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Winterton, Nicholas Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Wolfson, Mark Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Wood, Timothy Stokes, Sir John Yeo, Tim Sumberg, David Young, Sir George (Acton) Summerson, Hugo Tapsell, Sir Peter Tellers for the Noes: Taylor, Ian (Esher) Mr. David Lightbown and Taylor, Sir Teddy Mr....
Mr John Stokes: Does my right hon. Friend agree, in the calmness of being on his own, that all this is just trendy nonsense? What we want in the public service are the best people, irrespective of whether they are men or women.
Mr John Stokes: Does my right hon. Friend agree that there are possibly far too few people in the Chamber and, even more important, far too few in the Smoking Room, the most vital part of the House of Commons? If hon. Members are going to be glued to their television sets, as apparently some are at home, there will be even fewer of them about anyway.
..., Anthony Montgomery, Sir Fergus Stern, Michael Moore, Rt Hon John Stevens, Lewis Morris, M (N'hampton S) Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Morrison, Sir Charles Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Moss, Malcolm Stokes, Sir John Moynihan, Hon Colin Sumberg, David Neale, Sir Gerrard Summerson, Hugo Nelson, Anthony Tapsell, Sir Peter Neubert, Sir Michael Taylor, Ian (Esher) Nicholson, David (Taunton)...
...Stern, Michael Wheeler, Sir John Stevens, Lewis Widdecombe, Ann Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Wilkinson, John Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Wilshire, David Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Winterton, Nicholas Stokes, Sir John Young, Sir George (Acton) Sumberg, David Younger, Rt Hon George Summerson, Hugo Tapsell, Sir Peter Tellers for the Noes: Taylor, Ian (Esher) Mr. Timothy Wood and Taylor,...
...-Hyslop, Sir Robin Stevens, Lewis Mayhew, Rt Hon Sir Patrick Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Mellor, Rt Hon David Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Meyer, Sir Anthony Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Miller, Sir Hal Stokes, Sir John Mills, lain Summerson, Hugo Mitchell, Andrew (Gedling) Tapsell, Sir Peter Mitchell, Sir David Taylor, Ian (Esher) Moate, Roger Taylor, Sir Teddy Monro, Sir Hector Tebbit, Rt...
... Spearing, Nigel Wallace, James Speller, Tony Walley, Joan Stanbrook, Ivor Wardell, Gareth (Gower) Steel, Rt Hon Sir David Watson, Mike (Glasgow, C) Steinberg, Gerry Welsh, Andrew (Angus E) Stokes, Sir John Welsh, Michael (Doncaster N) Stott, Roger Wigley, Dafydd Strang, Gavin Wilkinson, John Straw, Jack Williams, Rt Hon Alan Sumberg, David Williams, Alan W. (Carm'then)...
..., Michael Stevens, Lewis Maude, Hon Francis Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Maxwell-Hyslop, Sir Robin Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Mayhew, Rt Hon Sir Patrick Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Meyer, Sir Anthony Stokes, Sir John Miller, Sir Hal Sumberg, David Mills, lain Summerson, Hugo Mitchell, Sir David Tapsell, Sir Peter Moate, Roger Taylor, Ian (Esher) Molyneaux, Rt Hon James Taylor, Sir Teddy...
... Morris, M (N'hampton S) Stevens, Lewis Morrison, Sir Charles Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Morrison, Rt Hon Sir Peter Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Moss, Malcolm Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Mudd, David Stokes, Sir John Neale, Sir Gerrard Sumberg, David Nelson, Anthony Summerson, Hugo Neubert, Sir Michael Tapsell, Sir Peter Newton, Rt Hon Tony Taylor, Ian (Esher) Nicholls, Patrick Tebbit, Rt...
...Wolfson, Mark Stern, Michael Wood, Timothy Stevens, Lewis Yeo, Tim Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Tellers for the Noes: Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Mr. John M. Taylor and Stokes, Sir John Mr. Nicholas Baker.
Mr John Stokes: Is it part of the Government's duty to advise us all on what we should eat? Is my hon. Friend aware that I have lived for a number of years without any such advice, and I cannot believe that it is really necessary?
...John Winterton, Nicholas Steen, Anthony Wolfson, Mark Stevens, Lewis Wood, Timothy Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Yeo, Tim Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Younger, Rt Hon George Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Stokes, Sir John Tellers for the Ayes: Sumberg, David Mr. Nicholas Baker and Summerson, Hugo Mr. Timothy Kirkhope. Tapsell, Sir Peter NOES Adams, Mrs Irene (Paisley, N.) Clay, Bob Allen,...
..., Sir Michael Stanbrook, Ivor McNair-Wilson, Sir Patrick Stanley, Rt Hon Sir John Madel, David Steen, Anthony Malins, Humfrey Stevens, Lewis Mans, Keith Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Maples, John Stokes, Sir John Marland, Paul Sumberg, David Marlow, Tony Summerson, Hugo Marshall, John (Hendon S) Tapsell, Sir Peter Marshall, Sir Michael (Arundel) Taylor, Ian (Esher) Martin, David...
..., Rt Hon James Stevens, Lewis Monro, Sir Hector Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Montgomery, Sir Fergus Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Morris, M (N'hampton S) Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Morrison, Sir Charles Stokes, Sir John Moss, Malcolm Sumberg, David Moynihan, Hon Colin Summerson, Hugo Mudd, David Tapsell, Sir Peter Neale, Sir Gerrard Taylor, lan (Esher) Nelson, Anthony Taylor, Matthew (Truro)...
... Mitchell, Sir David Stevens, Lewis Moate, Roger Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Molyneaux, Rt Hon James Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Monro, Sir Hector Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Montgomery, Sir Fergus Stokes, Sir John Moore, Rt Hon John Sumberg, David Morris, M (N'hampton S) Summerson, Hugo Morrison, Sir Charles Tapsell, Sir Peter Morrison, Rt Hon Sir Peter Taylor, Ian (Esher) Moss, Malcolm...
...-Hyslop, Robin Stevens, Lewis Mayhew, Rt Hon Sir Patrick Stewart, Allan (Eastwood) Mellor, Rt Hon David Stewart, Andy (Sherwood) Meyer, Sir Anthony Stewart, Rt Hon Sir Ian Miller, Sir Hal Stokes, Sir John Mills, Iain Sumberg, David Miscampbell, Norman Summerson, Hugo Mitchell, Andrew (Gedling) Tapsell, Sir Peter Mitchell, Sir David Taylor, Ian (Esher) Moate, Roger Taylor, Sir...