Mr John Thomas: The right hon. Gentleman has given a figure of the amount of tax involved but he has not given the figure which this Bill will add to that figure. Would he mind giving the figure separately as affected by this Bill?
Mr John Thomas: He pays rates and taxes, so what is the difference?
Mr John Thomas: Why the working class only?
Mr John Thomas: Will my hon. Friend allow me—
Mr John Thomas: Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the remuneration of travel agents paid by the railways is no less than five per cent.? Would he justify that despite the increase in rates?
Mr John Thomas: My hon. Friend says that there was anxiety to get producers for the film studios. Would he tell us what price was quoted to independent producers to hire them?
Mr John Thomas: That does not answer the question, at what price.
Mr John Thomas: How much of that came from the United States?
Mr John Thomas: I am sorry to interrupt this very interesting speech, but is it not a fact that if an independent producer wants to sell a film to a circuit, he will have to agree, as part of the condition of the contract, that the film is produced in the circuit's studios?
Mr John Thomas: Whether they are good or bad?
Mr John Thomas: Would the hon. Gentleman allow me——
Mr John Thomas: And public education, too.
Mr John Thomas: rose—
Mr John Thomas: I think the right hon. Gentleman suggested that a capital levy was preferable to the Special Contribution, and indicated that it would be more fair and just since the Special Contribution did not embrace the spivs and the drones. Will he kindly tell us how the proposed capital levy would succeed where the Special Contribution does not?
Mr John Thomas: Public school or elementary?
Mr John Thomas: asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the unsatisfactory public bus service between Whitfield and Dover; and what action he proposes to take to remedy it.
Mr John Thomas: Will the hon. Gentleman say what is the relation, or the ratio, of non-productive workers in 1939 to those in 1948? Will he say how it is estimated in the White Paper?
Mr John Thomas: The hon. Gentleman has not answered my question. I asked him to give the ratio between the 1939 figure of non-productive workers and the figure estimated in the White Paper. If he has not got the figures, perhaps he will forgive me if I read them to him. Out of every 20 persons employed in production in the essential industries in 1939, seven were employed on distribution. As estimated in...
Mr John Thomas: Of course.
Mr John Thomas: I asked the hon. Member whether, if he had not the figures, he would allow me to give the information. That was all I was trying to do, to assist the hon. Member.