Dr Hyacinth Morgan: Why be afraid?
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: This is a most difficult medical problem which is not easy to explain to the layman. The Miners' Federation has no medical officer attached to it, and while some miners' lodges have medical officers attached to them, they are only doing general practitioner work in the main; so that there is no one to whom the general practitioner can appeal unless he sends these men to some other place away...
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: I thought it had.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: You are drawing it rather tine, Mr. Deputy-Speaker, though I am perfectly prepared to submit to your Ruling on the matter. You are giving a Ruling by which subsequent medical examination or intermittent medical examination can scarcely be discussed. I can only say, God have mercy on the miners who will undergo future medical examination and periodical medical examination whenever something...
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: May I put a point to you, Mr. Deputy-Speaker? On page 56, under the heading Part IV, there is a definite reference to: Management and Control (Quarries).
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: It is all about quarries.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: We have reached the question of quarries.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: We never know where the right hon. Gentleman stands.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: That is why they are doing well.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: As always.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: I speak with, for me, unusual modesty and some difficulty on this subject because it is a subject with which I have been living for the last 30 years at least. I want to stress the plea for those industrially disabled. That does not mean that one could not say a great deal about war disabilities of various kinds, either from diseases or wounds. Disabilities from industrial injuries or disease...
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: The hon. Member is frightened already.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: Do repeat it.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: But do not run away.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: And to do the other fellow down.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: That is a very poor argument.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: It is nonsensical.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: All right, we shall do the same every time with you.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: The right hon. Gentleman must not get excited; he did say it.
Dr Hyacinth Morgan: Shut up yourself.