Mr Thomas Bennett: 12. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in order to clear up the mystery which surrounds the estimated loss of £100,000,000 a year on the railways under State control, and in view of the overworked state of the Department mentioned by the Parliamentary Secretary, he will call in a com- petent accountant to advise as to what the actual loss has been under control, taking into...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 18. asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware of the stagnation in the paper-making industry in Kent which has followed the recent reduction in the restrictions on the imports of foreign paper, and of the closing down of several paper mills in that county; and whether he will consider the advisability of postponing the removal of the remaining restrictions contemplated at the...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 30. asked the Secretary of State for India whether, considering that the present scale of pensions for members of the uncovenanted services of India was fixed so long ago as in 1855, in the light of the cost of living and rate of exchange at that time; that the Royal Commission on the Public Services in India recommended in 1912 that the present maximum pension for officers with more than...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 25. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government, in view of the historical and archæological interests of the building of the Knights Hospitallers in the Island of Rhodes, will endeavour to secure an undertaking from the State to whom that island is to be assigned that these buildings shall be kept in a state of preservation?
Mr Thomas Bennett: 4. asked the Secretary of State for India if the freight rate of rice from Rangoon to Bombay is still 55 rupees per ton, as against 30 rupees last year and 8 to 9 rupees before the War; and, if it is, whether he will endeavour, in view of the famine conditions prevailing over wide areas in India, to bring about a substantial reduction in the rate?