Mr Thomas Bennett: 55. asked the Prime Minister whether the Government will consider the advisability, with a view to
Mr Thomas Bennett: 8. asked the Minister of Transport if he will call the attention of railway managers to the unfairness of the practice of refusing a refund to season ticket holders who have inadvertently neglected to bring their tickets with them of the cost of a ticket which has been incurred in consequence; seeing that sharp practice on the part of the railway companies is likely to provoke, by way of...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 17. asked the Secretary of State for India the number of men who have enrolled in the force constituted under the Auxiliary Force Act of last year, giving the total enrolment for India and Burma, and the numbers recruited in Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, and other large towns, respectively; and whether the Government of India are satisfied with the result of the Act up to the present time?
Mr Thomas Bennett: 11. asked the Secretary of State for India whether he has yet received the views of the Government of India on the Report of the Couchman Committee on the purchase of stores for the State; and whether he is now able to say how far the recommendations contained in that Report will be carried out?
Mr Thomas Bennett: 38. asked the Minister of Labour whether the construction of an arterial road between Dartford and Erith, which the Kent County Council had undertaken for the relief of the unemployed, was being delayed owing to an instruction to the local labour exchange that the men employed must receive 1s. 11d. per hour, while the permanent road staff throughout the county are getting 1s. 2d. per hour;...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 6. asked the Secretary of State for India if, in view of the satisfaction which has been caused in commercial circles by the Report of the Couchman Committee on the purchase of stores for the Government in India, he can give an assurance that this Report in its main outlines will be acted upon by the Government of India?
Mr Thomas Bennett: 17. asked the Secretary of State for India if he has received a despatch from the Government of India reviewing the position of Indians in British Colonies and Protectorates and making suggestions thereon; and if he will be able at an early date to place before the House the substance of the recommendations contained in the despatch?
Mr Thomas Bennett: 18. asked the Secretary of State for India whether Sir Benjamin Robertson has recently visited the Kenya Colony and the Uganda Protectorate in order to inquire into the position of Indians in those territories; whether any Report of the result of his inquiries has reached the Government of India; and if he is yet in possession of the view of that Government thereon?
Mr Thomas Bennett: asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how the change of status of the Kenya Colony will affect the status and rights of the Indian settlers there; whether their status and rights will, under the new râgime, differ from those of the white settlers; if so, in what respect; if the status and rights of the Indian settlers in the Kenya Protectorate will differ from those of the...
Mr Thomas Bennett: A meeting took place in this city not many weeks ago attended mainly by Englishmen whose lives have been spent largely in India. As reported to me, the speech of the Chairman of that meeting may be summarised in these words: "We English have got to live with the natives, and the best we can do is to get on good terms with them, and say as little as we can about these disturbances." With part...
Mr Thomas Bennett: I think it is possible that this Bill may be made more acceptable, but if no assurance is given that any such Amendment as that which has been suggested will be accepted, I shall very reluctantly vote against the Government. I do not join with the Noble Lord (Lord R. Cecil) who spoke so severely of the character of this Government for truthfulness, because I regard it as a very respectable...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 61. asked whether His Majesty's Government, before consenting to enter into conversation with M. Krassin, obtained any assurance that the Russian Soviet Government would recognise debts due to the subjects of Allied States by Russia whether in the form of State debts or of money due to individuals for property taken possession of by the Soviet authorities?
Mr Thomas Bennett: I am under the disadvantage of having heard only a part of the speech of the right hon. Gentleman, the Member for Peebles, but I think I understand the general outline of his scheme. That is, that some extra judicial arrangement shall be made by which charges against persons arrested on suspicion shall be inquired into. The speech of the right hon. Gentleman was much in contrast to a great...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 17. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether a sale of Government plots at Kampala, in the Uganda Protectorate, has been advertised with the condition attached that sales shall not be to Indians; whether no similar condition has been imposed on such sales hitherto in the Uganda Protectorate; and whether, seeing that the general policy of the Government in regard to land...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 93. asked the Secretary of State for India if he can give the House the result of Lord Meston's arbitration on the claims of the non-Brahmins of the Madras Presidency to special representation in the provincial legislative council; and what decision has been come to as to the representation of the Mahrattas in Bombay?
Mr Thomas Bennett: 94. asked the Secretary of State for India if he has any information showing that the currency policy recently adopted by the Government of India is stifling the export trade of that country?
Mr Thomas Bennett: 50. asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the importance of placing before the Mahomedans of India a statement of the views of His Majesty's Government upon the claims of that community in regard to the settlement with Turkey, he will consider the advisability of giving full publicity to any statement that he may make to the delegates from the Khalifat Conference who are now in this...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 8. asked the Secretary of State for India if it was originally intended that an Indian delegate should accompany Sir Benjamin Robertson on his mission to South Africa to represent Indian interests before the Commission appointed to inquire into laws dealing with the rights of Asiatics; if that intention has been abandoned; and if he is aware of the dissatisfaction which has been expressed in...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 66. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonics whether His Majesty's Government will inquire, by special commission or otherwise, into the causes and circumstances of the recent riots in Fiji, in which New Zealand troops fired upon the rioters; and whether he is aware that telegrams have been received asserting that Indians are being terrorised and hundreds of the strikers have been...
Mr Thomas Bennett: 67. asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he has received from the President of the Indian Congress Committee at Nairobi a protest on behalf of Indian traders against the recent Orders regarding the currency in East Africa, the immediate effect of which is said to have been to raise the exchange rate from the 9th February from 2 to 18 per cent., and later to 25, the protest...