Mr Stanley Baldwin: I hope the hon. Member will be more fortunate.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: Questions relating to the purchase price of land required for aerodromes by local authorities are, in so far as a loan consent by a Minister is necessary, matters for the Minister of Health. All questions relating to Income Tax assessment are a matter for the Chancellor of the Exchequer. I am informed, however, that it is not the practice of the Board of Inland Revenue to make public the...
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I do not think it is my place to give an opinion on that particular matter, but as the hon. Member takes an interest in this subject, I suggest it may be raised in Debate on the suitable Estimate. It is a difficult matter to pursue by question and answer.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: His Majesty's Government at all times welcome the collaboration of the United States Government in reducing tariff barriers and in promoting such an appeasement of the international situation as might make it possible to pursue profitably the question of general disarmament.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I do not think I should put it in quite that form, but I think the hon. Member may trust my right hon. Friend to take whatever steps may be appropriate to achieve the desire shared by himself and by us.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I will communicate with the hon. Member as soon as I am in a position to make a statement on this subject.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I hope so.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: We propose to take the first five Orders on the Paper, and, if there is time, we would like to take also Order No. 8 and the Import Duties Orders, which are exempted business.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: No, Sir.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: Monday: Defence Loans Bill, Committee stage; Local Government (Financial Provisions) Bill, Committee stage; Merchant Shipping Bill, Report and Third Reading; British Shipping Bill, Third Reading. Tuesday: First Allotted Supply Day—Civil Vote on Account, Committee stage. A Debate on Foreign Affairs will take place. Wednesday: Consideration of the Unemployment Insurance (Additional Days and...
Mr Stanley Baldwin: Yes, Sir. It has now been decided that the Special Areas Bill must be founded on a Money Resolution. The terms of the Money Resolution will be handed in at the Table on Monday, and I hope that a White Paper explaining the Government's proposals with regard to the Special Areas will be available to Members in the Vote Office soon after Questions?
Mr Stanley Baldwin: As regards the first part of the question, this is primarily a matter for the trustees under the Crystal Palace Act, 1914; as to the second part of the question, if the trustees have any proposals to make with this end in view they will no doubt in due course lay them before the National Advisory Council for Physical Training and Recreation.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I should require notice of the second part of the question, and with regard to the first part the matter is one for the Dominions and not for me.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: As regards the first part of the question, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the reply given yesterday by the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to a question asked by my hon. Friend the Member for East Bradford (Mr. Hepworth). As regards the second part, I would remind my hon. and gallant Friend that the Agreement has already, in accordance with the customary procedure,...
Mr Stanley Baldwin: We are suspending the Eleven o'Clock Rule in order to take the Second Reading of the Local Government (Financial Provisions) Bill, and the Committee stage of the necessary Money Resolution. We hope to make further progress with the outstanding Supplementary Estimates—the Committee stage of the Post Office Estimate—and the Report stage of the Estimates which were recently considered in...
Mr Stanley Baldwin: No, certainly not.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I would refer the hon. Member to the reference to disarmament made in the speech of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the Assembly of the League of Nations on 25th September last, and to the statement made by the United Kingdom delegate to the Third Committee of the Assembly in October. The conditions on which His Majesty's Government are prepared to proceed...
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I think the whole question is a very difficult one to discuss by way of question and answer. There will undoubtedly be an opportunity shortly of another Foreign Office Debate, and perhaps the hon. Member will raise the question.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: I have nothing to add to the previous replies which I have given to the hon. and gallant Member in reply to questions on this subject.
Mr Stanley Baldwin: My right hon. Friend made no new statement of policy. The subject of his speech was the complete freedom of the Member States of the British Commonwealth of Nations to decide for themselves their policies of defence. Whilst stating that the chief burden of defence expenditure falls on Great Britain, my right hon. Friend once again declared that it would be a grave mistake if we tried to...