Marquess of Titchfield: What is a "mess trap"?
Marquess of Titchfield: Is it not a scandal that the Government should not give more than one day for a discussion of the McKenna Duties, considering their determination to put hundreds of thousands of men on to the streets?
Marquess of Titchfield: I wish to say a few words on an industry which has not yet been mentioned. It is an industry which, if the McKenna Duties are allowed to lapse, will be affected very adversely. It is the industry of ball and roller bearings. This industry is subsidiary to and dependent on the motorcar industry, and if the Socialists intend to kill the motor-car industry, as they undoubtedly do, ipso facto the...
Marquess of Titchfield: 96. asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the number of cattle bred and fed in Nottinghamshire that have suffered from foot-and-mouth disease as compared with cattle imported to Nottinghamshire from Ireland?
Marquess of Titchfield: In a very few words I want to say something in favour of the wicked landlord. It has been said by hon. Members opposite that by reducing the rates on agricultural land the Government are benefiting the landlord, and that the advantages contained in this Bill will not be of use to the community which farms the land, but that the money will go direct to the pockets of the landlord. This, in my...