Marquess of Titchfield: How much longer is the right hon. Gentleman going to cringe and fawn before the Bolshevists?
Marquess of Titchfield: 23. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what proportion of the foodstuffs supplied to the Royal Navy is Empire grown?
Marquess of Titchfield: Why do you not invent a system?
Marquess of Titchfield: Hear, hear!
Marquess of Titchfield: Can the right hon. Lady say at what point of unemployment the Government will resign?
Marquess of Titchfield: Why did the right hon. Gentlemen keep the whole trade in suspense during the Election? Now that the electors of Nottingham have given their verdict, will he reconsider his decision?
Marquess of Titchfield: Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that this is a most urgent question and that many men are already being turned away from lace factories in Nottingham?
Marquess of Titchfield: 20. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give the House any account of his interview with the deputation from the lace trade which waited upon him recently?
Marquess of Titchfield: 10. asked the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that an interview with Mr. Gandhi has been published in this country; under what regulation such an interview was permitted; and were any conditions laid down?
Marquess of Titchfield: He made a very good speech.
Marquess of Titchfield: 22. asked the Secretary of State for India whether there is any evidence that the recent disturbances in India were fomented by Soviet activities?
Marquess of Titchfield: 2. asked the Minister of Labour the number of people in the country employed in making machinery for the lace industry?
Marquess of Titchfield: You are wiser now?
Marquess of Titchfield: 41. asked the President of the Board of Trade by what amount production for the home market of the lace trade has increased since 1924?
Marquess of Titchfield: If they dined at Buckingham Palace they did not derail trains.
Marquess of Titchfield: Does the right hon. Gentleman himself know what this means?
Marquess of Titchfield: Is the right hon. Gentleman making any special arrangements for the lace workers who are about to be thrown out of work in Nottingham owing to the withdrawal of the Safeguarding Duties?
Marquess of Titchfield: 3. asked the Minister of Labour if she will state the number of unemployed in the Newark Employment Exchange district for March, 1929, and March, 1930?
Marquess of Titchfield: Is it a fact that the hon. Member wanted to read these books?
Marquess of Titchfield: 71. asked the Minister of Health how many widows are excluded from the provisions of the Widows', Orphans', and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act, 1929?